antville mod-filter (last resort)

problem: you want to disable postings from certain users (but do not want your blog go private at the same time)

solution: create a css style-rule that renders posts from distinct users "hidden"

technical how-to: preparation inside your stylesheet add a rule: .mod__ {display: none; }

inside your story-skin add a div-element arround the actual skin-content: {...} or comment-skin: {...}

... your current skin content ...

technical how-to: execution as you want to hide posts from certain people, you change the style-rule inside your stylesheet

from .mod__ {display: none; } to .modusername {display: none; } or mod several users at once .modusername1, .modusername2, .modusername3 {display: none}

could also be used with forms display...


Why a calendar is not a good navigational aid for weblog archives

Some weblogs have a calendar as a navigational aid for the weblog archives. Calendar might seem like a natural way to organize chronologically structured information, but it has some flaws. I hereby make a light analysis on the subject. I do not, however, compare it to other possible navigational aids.

My most common use cases related to weblog archives are going through all previous posts and finding a specific post. Let us consider these uses cases in some detail. ... In conclusion, calendar is not a good navigational aid in either of these use cases, which are, in my opinion, rather relevant in real life. Both have a realistic goal, not only because they are derived from my own experiences. Now, I would be glad to hear of some realistic use cases that have real goals that show how calendar might prove to be a good navigational aid. (To emphasize: nobody has a goal to go to a specific date in the archive. Finding out the reason for this is left as an exercise to the reader.) Failing that, let me suggest that we could get rid of those pesky calendars and replace them with something simpler, or, better yet, with something better. (A simple one would be an archive page with the titles of the weblog posts and links to the posts, for example [1].)

Jarno Virtanen [1] Ned Batchelder's blog archive



Downhill Based on the links between weblogs, it will try to find a path between any two you specify. The data comes from the blogging ecosystem.

Nochmal auf Deutsch: du gibst die Adressen von 2 Weblogs ein; downhill berechnet den Erreichbarkeitspfad zwischen den beiden Weblogs. Unten dran steht dort noch der Link für die umgekehrte Richtung.

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mks @ 25k posts
    hohoo - looks like [mks] will see its 25.000th...
by KenoshaKid (11.12.07, 15:53)
'redirect' switch Say, after creating
a new story you want to redirect the user to...
by KenoshaKid (02.12.07, 12:54)

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